Monday, March 1, 2010

A *Twisted* new entry!

Hi there thrifty gothic beauties! This is Kaetel and for my first post, I'm going to show you some "Twisted hunt" darky prizes. But first, just few words to describe the event. Twisted is one of the most eccentric and original hunt which will give us the opportunity to grab really cool outfits and bloody items. It starts from +DV8+ store, which is the annual organizer and goes trought 150 gothic shop, ending just 31 March. Here's the official site with all organizers and participant designers. You'll need to join the hunters group [it's free] to ask for hints and little help. The hunt item is a tiny *acid green* box, and just its colour tell us the main topic of this annual hunt: Arsenic, Absinthe and all that dangerous and evil drinks. *Wow* !! And now I'll show you some prizes, starting from +DV8+ one.
-Click all images for a better view-
Here it is, "Electrifie" outift in 3 differents shades: Blacklight, Ashes and Chartreuse. There's also a male and a unisex prize, which is a gorgeous BioTox Mask. Then I got Sangre Noir prize: "clean version" and... Bloody one! Just to show how twisted a woman can be *giggles* And at the end *Dilly Dolls* Prize,one of our best supporter shop, which made me fell as a little Absinthe bourlesque fairy: Here for us... Absinthe Adorea! The best of all is the big green glass that comes with two sitting poses: Here is one that's all by now. I've shown you just three goodies I found but as you'll see there are a LOT of great shop to ravage! So good luck and stay thrifty-thrilling goth! Xoxo Kaetel.

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